Sunday, August 14, 2005

What we did in Hawaii

I had a good chance to visit Hawaii between July 25 - August 8, 2005. There were many interesting activities to share with you all. Here we go...

Teaching Southeast Asia : Standard & Strategies
July 25-August 5, 2005

- Mapping SEA and its cultural landscapes, by Barbara Andaya, Center for SEA Studies, University of Hawaii

- “Setting the Table” for Infusing SEA into your curriculum by Jean Johnson, New York University

- “Reading, Writing, and Dancing to the Global Beat” : Teaching about Cultures and Diversity through Exchange and Collaborative Projects,
by Richard Burniske, College of Education, University of Hawaii – Manoa

- Introduction to “Web Gems” and “Web Log” by Richard Burniske and Soo BooTan, Education Specialist, East-West Center

- Movement of people, Goods , and Ideas in Pre-Colonial SEA : Uncovering
History through Primary Sources, by Barbara Andaya

- Teaching about the Hindu-Buddhist World of SEA : Classroom Strategies, by Jean Johnson

- What makes a Ruler Legitimate? : A Lesson Demonstration, by Jean Johnson

- Culture Night announcement

- Getting Credit for Your Work : Flinders University’s Studies of Asaia for Teachers/Gradute Topics by Distance by Doug Trevaskis, Topic Coordinator, Flinders University, Adellaide, Australia

- The Ramayana in SEA : Performance/Demonstration, byPatricia and Matt Dunn

- Will the “Real” Muslim Please Stand Up? Islam and Its Diversity in SEA, by Barbara Andaya

- Teaching about Islam and Its Diversity in SEA, by Jean Johnson and Gwen Johnson

- Maritime Trade and European Imperialism in SEA, by Leonard Andaya

- Preparing “Table Setting” by Gwen Johnson, Jean Johnson, Sue Peppers, and Soo Boo Tan

- “Web Gems” : Posting “Table Setting” Ideas on the Weblog by Soo Boo Tan

- Chinese in SEA, by Barbara Andaya

- #Teaching about SEA through Tales and Pictures, by Jean Johnson

# Interdisciplinary Teaching Strategies : Colonialism in SEA, by Gwen Johnson and Sue Peppers

- “Movie and Pizza” : Max Havelaar, by Barbara Andaya and Jean Johnson

- Revolution and Revolt : The Philippines’ Struggles for Independence, by Victor Ordonez, Senior Education Fellow, East-West Center and former Director UNESCO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Teaching about Issues of Decolonization : An Open Discussion, by Gwen Johnson

- Sharing Our World in SEA : Thailand, by Thai participants

- Exploring SEA in Honolulu : A Hands-on Expedition, by Peter Kiang, University of Massachusetts

- SEA in Our Schools : Strategies for Using Community Resources ,by Peter Kiang

- Sharing Our World in SEA : Indonesia, by Indonesian participants

- AsaiPacificEd’s Schools Helping Schools Initiative, by Namji Steinemann and Gwen Johnson

- Engaging Students in Real-World Issues and Developing School-to-School Connections through Schools Helping Schools, by Neil Ginsberg, Scarsdale High School

- Culture Night and SEA Food Fest

- Managing Digital Images Using PICASA, by Soo Boo Tan

- Classroom Applications : Teaching with Primary Sources, by Gwen Johnson and Sue Peppers

- The U.S. – Vietnam Relations, by Raymond Burghardt, Director of Seminars, East-West Center, and former U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam

- Three Views of Vietnam War, by Gwen Johnson and Sue Peppers

- The Destruction of Cambodia and Its Current Struggles , by Judy Ledgerwood

- Buddhism and Ideas of Cambodia Identity, by Judy Ledgerwood

- Sharing Our World in SEA : Cambodia, by Cambodian participants

- Classroom Application : Introducing Cambodia and Meeting Curriculum Standards, by Kelly McKee, Lake Forest High School, Chicago, Illinois

- Sharing My Reading “Picks” by Gwen Johnson and Sue Peppers

- Teaching with Oral Histories : Using Survivor Stories, by Peter Kiang

- Strategies for Teaching about Global Issues, by Kelly McKee

- Global Issues and Local Challenges in SEA : A Progressive Roundtable Discussion, by Richard Baker, East-West Center, Judy Ledgerwood, Northern Illinois University, Ricado Trimillos, University of Hawaii, Peter Xenos East-West Center, Kelly McKee, Moderator

- Institute Wrap-up, by Namji Steinemann

- Becoming an East-West Center Associate, by Larry Foster, President, Alumni Association of the East-West Center


At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Weena,
What a great weblog you've created! I'm so impressed. I enjoyed reading about your school and your teaching, and the comments from others. It seems like a long time ago that we were in Hawaii. What a wonderful experience it was for me. I'm back to school now with my 7th and 8th graders and it's like we never left.
I'll check your weblog again soon.
Susan Daugherty

At 1:43 AM, Blogger Kru Ween said...

Aloha Susan,

It's been great to hear from you, thank you very much for your time visiting my infancy blog.
Next month, we're having a half year break and I expect to add some more contents on it.
Haven't you tried constructing one for yourself and your students to share matters yet?
I need time to write some exam papers for them next week, though.
Please feel free to suggest anything on here, okay?
Best wiishes,


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